Friday, September 21, 2012

OCF enCORE: HPC on Demand

In this podcast, Jerry Dixon from OCF describes the company's new enCORE HPC on Demand service.
OCF's enCORE service provides a highly scalable compute facility that can be accessed on a pay-as-you-go basis via the Internet. No concerns over data centre space, power, cooling, or in recruiting and retaining the skills to implement and maintain your own cluster. Simply register, log on and begin running jobs in your own secure area. The service provides access to a state-of-the-art IBM iDataPlex compute cluster with Infiniband interconnects, GPU nodes and high speed IBM storage, to deliver a truly scalable, high performance computing resource. Users will be allocated their own area on the system and, via the scheduler, can place jobs onto the physical compute nodes of the system. Then simply monitor progress and download the results."
Learn more at:

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