Thursday, April 28, 2016

Introducing the New IBM Platform HPC Suites

In this podcast, Gabor Samu from IBM describes the newly available IBM Platform LSF Suites for Workgroups and HPC. Designed to make it much easier to "kick the tires" on LSF, the new suites can help you configure install, maintain, and job manage HPC clusters with a single download. “The new IBM Platform LSF Suites are packages that include more than IBM Platform LSF, they provide additional functionalities designed to simplify HPC for users, administrators and the IT organization.” Watch the video presentation.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Interconnect Your Future with InfiniBand

In this slidecast, Gilad Shainer from Mellanox describes the advantages of InfiniBand and the company's off-loading network architecture for HPC.
Watch the video presentation 
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