Sunday, August 21, 2011

Versant - The NoSQL 2.0 ABC's

In this podcast, Versant's Robert Greene presents The NoSQL 2.0 ABC's. NoSQL provides the ability to scale beyond partitions.

The first NoSQL database technologies were created to fill the acute scalability demands of Big Data and the explosion of the social Web. And while they mainly succeeded by instituting a shift in database architecture paradigms, they left quite a bit to be desired in other key performance areas," said Greene. "These NoSQL 1.0 technologies made progress at the expense of eschewing adequate support for complex data models, near real-time data analytics, and transaction handling. Versant believes that the demand for these capabilities, which are critical for enterprises, will drive the evolution towards NoSQL 2.0 technologies that deliver on the needs for complexity, speed, concurrency, AND scale."

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Texas Memory Systems Steps Up with 10-Year RAID SSDs

In this podcast, Jamon Bowen and Erik Eyberg from Texas Memory Systems discuss their new SSD storage solutions. Using eMLC in a RAID configuration, the new RamSam-810 product has lifetime rated at 10 years of continuous Writing at 600 MB/s.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Slidecast: BlackSky's Purpose-Built HPC

In this slidecast, BlackSky CEO Scott Alexander presents an overview of the company's HPC products. Learn more at

We created this product because we looked for an HPC storage system for our own internal cloud and for our customers for more than a year and found nothing that satisfied all the requirements for compute intensive applications,” said Scott Alexander, co-founder and CEO, BlackSky Computing. “The only offerings with sufficient I/O were cost prohibitive because they weren't designed for high performance computing or render farms. The Apollo storage system was purpose built to deliver the three essential features for HPC storage - tremendous capacity at low $/TB; proportional network bandwidth in and out of the device which will cripple HPC applications if not done correctly; and expandability under one file system to very large volumes.”

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Abiquo Cloud Management Solutions

In this podcast, Abiquo CEO Pete Malcolm discusses the company's cloud management solutions.

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Friday, August 5, 2011

SolidFire High Performance Storage for the Cloud

In this podcast, SolidFire's Founder & CEO Dave Wright provides and overview of the company's solid-state storage offerings for the Cloud.

SolidFire delivers high-performance and high-efficiency primary storage for cloud service providers. The SolidFire Element™ operating system combines a scale-out all-solid-state architecture with patented efficiency technologies that dramatically reduce power, cooling, and capacity consumption. Designed for operation at cloud-scale, the SolidFire multi-tenant architecture enables cloud service providers to guarantee sustained performance to thousands of servers within a single storage system.

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

PriceAdvice – The Blue Book for Everything Else

In this slidecast, Ira Williams from PriceAdvice provides an overview of the company and describes how they help consumers value items for resale.

We want consumers to know they’re getting the best and most up-to-date prices for any used item they want to buy,” said Ira Williams, president of iTaggit. “Our goal is to become the most accurate valuation tool available for the purchase of used items on sites such as eBay, Amazon and craigslist. PriceAdvice was created in an effort to remove the guess-work many consumers face when buying a used item online and to make the process as easy as possible.”

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Strategic Blue - Your Broker for the Cloud

In this slidecast, James Mitchell, Founder & CEO of Strategic Blue discusses how his company acts as a Cloud Services Brokerage, providing financial intermediation services to corporate customers using cloud computing Infrastructure as a Service ("IaaS").

Strategic Blue takes over the client billing process from cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services and CloudSigma, without interfering with the client's technical access to the cloud. Strategic Blue is able to offer access to cloud computing infrastructure as a service on payment terms tailored for each client, at prices that will never exceed those available directly from the cloud provider. Discounted pricing can be offered where a client can commit to a minimum amount of usage over a period of time. Strategic Blue is able to provide a single invoice for access to multiple cloud providers, and is able to work with clients' purchase order procedures.

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Nimbus Data Wins Huge Flash Deployment at eBay

In this slidecast, Nimbus Data Founder and CEO Thomas Isakovitch announces one of the world's largest Flash storage deployments at eBay. He also provides a overview of Nimbus Data solutions and lays out where he thinks their enterprise flash storage technology is headed in the future.

This is an impressive win and tremendous validation for Nimbus, a company pioneering network-attached flash storage combined with a complete software platform,” stated Jim Handy, Chief Analyst with Objective Analysis. “Nimbus’ win at eBay shows that demanding customers are ready to replace conventional spinning disk arrays with flash even in large-scale environments to capture significant performance, power, and rackspace improvements. Nimbus’ comprehensive hardware and software make it well-positioned to capitalize on this tectonic shift in the storage industry.”

Today Nimbus also announced its second generation S-Class series of flash memory storage systems, which it describes as being three times faster than the original launched in 2010. The new devices add native support for Fibre Channel and Infiniband networking.

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