Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mellanox Rolls Out SwitchX FDR InfiniBand with 40 GigE Built In

In this podcast, John Monson from Mellanox describes the company's new SwitchX architecture for high performance computing.

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Maze - Maze Testing and Debugging Tool for Concurrent Applications

In this episode of the Rich Report, I interview Roni Simonian, Founder & Principal of Ariadne LLC. The company's Maze Testing and Debugging Tool for Concurrent Applications is now available for download:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

SPM.Python Expoits Parallelism with Fault Tolerance

In this slidecast, Minesh Amin from MBA Sciences presents on the latest release of SPM.Python. Amin was recently awarded several patents for the technology, which now includes support for exploiting parallelism using GPUs by way of PyCuda. With this new feature in place, SPM.Python enables programmers to exploit parallelism in a fault tolerant manner across all three levels of abstraction: servers, cores, and GPUs.